Do you relate to any of this?
I teach with an open hand rather than a closed fist. You are free to use these lessons in whatever way you choose. You may use them simply to improve the quality of your life; or, you may use them to teach your own class or write your own book.
You are in the right place...
You are in the right place if you feel that life’s circumstances are pushing you around and you want to be the cause of your life instead of the effect.
You are in the right place if you have always wanted to develop your intuition, build on your best self and leave what is no longer true for you behind. You are in the right place if you have been told you are a Highly Sensitive Person (in a positive or derogatory way). You are in the right place if you haven't found anything that helps you deal well with your own emotions, energy or anxiety. No matter your place in life, or your calling, this course will open up inner and outer doors for you. You are in the right place if you want to be emotionally healthy and aware of your energy body. Something brought you here, trust that, and explore what this course can offer you. |
A Gift I want to share with you...
I want to invite you to, what for me, was the best course I have taken in psychology or intuitive development. I have a masters in social work with an emphasis on social psychology. No university course gave me the skills that this course offered me. I took this year-long course back in 1993 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by my teacher Colleen Brenzy, and 30 years later I have taught the course for decades, written several books from its material and have developed my therapy skills in ways that continue to empower me and my clients.
So much of my work gets back to this one course. This course gave me my life back. I was and am a highly sensitive person (HPS), an empath, a psychic. I was born psychic. I often felt I didn’t belong. Until my therapist recommended I take this course. As the title says, I became the cause of my life. And now when I teach it (and created this on-line course for you), I continue to learn more about myself and the world around me. |
The lessons are ageless.
I offer here all the material in the course that was passed on to me. I decided to charge less than the amount I paid for this course 30 years ago ($25 a weekly lesson in 1993). I charge only $75 for a month’s worth of lessons (4 weekly lessons), videos, journaling prompts and practices. I do this so this material can get out to as many as possible. Also, you can then use this material however you like. Just like I have.
You can then use these lessons again and again, develop them in your own chosen vocation, do psychic readings if you like, write a book about your experiences or wisdom, or teach the course yourself. This is not my material to claim as “mine.” That’s part of its magic. You can also add your own wisdom and insight.
I offer here all the material in the course that was passed on to me. I decided to charge less than the amount I paid for this course 30 years ago ($25 a weekly lesson in 1993). I charge only $75 for a month’s worth of lessons (4 weekly lessons), videos, journaling prompts and practices. I do this so this material can get out to as many as possible. Also, you can then use this material however you like. Just like I have.
You can then use these lessons again and again, develop them in your own chosen vocation, do psychic readings if you like, write a book about your experiences or wisdom, or teach the course yourself. This is not my material to claim as “mine.” That’s part of its magic. You can also add your own wisdom and insight.
In the Be The Cause Of Your Life Course You will:
1. Discover your own emotional intelligence
Emotions are the center to our experiences as human beings. They are to understand and harness so that we can be of benefit to ourselves and others. Our emotions are the gateway to mental, physical and spiritual wholeness. 3. Experience the Beauty of Letting Go
You will become more at ease in the world and in your own body as you develop your connection to your truest self. You will experience how “effort without effort” allows for more of what you truly want. 5. Discover Your Seniority
Seniority is about not letting anything get bigger than You; to let circumstances dictate how you feel or force you into making choices that are not right for you. This course will give you the means so as not to be taken off the path of your choice. Being senior will help you to know yourself deeply and trust your intuitive body, so that when challenges arrive, you are able to meet them skillfully. You are able to stay senior in all your circumstances. 7. Spiritual Freedom
You will come to these lessons in your own personal way and take away insights and lessons that are uniquely yours. There is no dogma or rules here. Just lessons to explore. This course is explored within your daily life. There is no belief system. You verify everything for yourself, so you cannot be misled. There is no dependence on any teachings or teacher. It follows the dicta of “Know thyself”; “The truth shall set you free.” |
2. Discover Freedom from Burdens and Toxic Relationships
Discover for yourself how and by whom you may be burdened or troubled and release yourself from such painful attachments. The more you become yourself through exploring these lessons, the more you build your confidence to live an honest and beautiful life. Learn the skills of healthy boundaries with freedom from the guilt of co-dependent relationships. 4. Breaking free from strongholds / limitations / false beliefs
We have all been programmed with a set of beliefs or values that were determined by our upbringing and social structures. This course will help you find “your personal truth” and free you from invisible and false narratives that have been holding you back from living your true and authentic life. 6. Simple Insights that lead to Big Shifts
Transformation is done from the inside-out. I will share with you simple processes that lead to real, lasting and organic transformation. Transformation that does not involve you becoming a different person, rather it involves you knowing and loving who you already are. |
Your Curriculum
Each segment with its 4 lsessons stand on its own. I recommend that you take the full course (12 segments), where you work on each segment for one month and then move on to the next segment. But try the first one on for size and see how the lessons fit and improves your life. You will have personal interaction with me, Julie Tallard Johnson, as I will respond to your explorations and journaling for each segment.
Segment One:
An Introduction: Being Grounded in Our Body; Knowing What’s Real; Boundaries 101; Psychic Abuse
An Introduction: Being Grounded in Our Body; Knowing What’s Real; Boundaries 101; Psychic Abuse
Start here: Keeping a Journal (or field notebook)
- Lesson 1: Grounding and Being In Your Body
- Lesson 2: Knowing What’s Real and What is Not
- Lesson 3: Boundaries 101
- Lesson 4: Psychic Abuse
Segment 2:
Listening to Your Rainbow Body and Living In Truth with Who You Truly Are
Listening to Your Rainbow Body and Living In Truth with Who You Truly Are
- Lesson 1: Knowing the Rainbow Body: Living More in Truth
- Lesson2: Power Levels: Possession versus Ownership: Authentic Presence
- Lesson 3: Increasing Your Seniority
- Lesson 4: A Model For Change
“The seven colors of the rainbow represent an alternative to our binary black and white consciousness, offering us a world of multiple opportunities. The Rainbow Bridge expresses the diversity of light as it moves from source to manifestation. Its seven colors represent seven vibratory modalities of human existence, related to the seven chakras of Indian yogic tradition—energy centers that exist within each one of us.” — Anodea Judith, Phd, author of Eastern Body, Western Mind
Segment 3:
Non-resistance, Freedom from Shame and Blame, & The Light and Dark of our Rainbow Bodies
Non-resistance, Freedom from Shame and Blame, & The Light and Dark of our Rainbow Bodies
- Lesson 1: Nonresistance and No-effort.
- Lesson 2: Freedom from Shame and Blame
- Lesson 3: The Shadow Aspects of the Seven Chakras
- Lesson 4: The 7 Rights of Each Chakra
Hard Wired to Love Practice - "The scariest thing we can do, which takes the most courage is to become conscious and walk towards ourselves." - Colleen Brenzy, my teacher
Segment 4: Discover Your Seniority
- Lesson 1: Re-membering Who We Truly Are.
- Lesson 2: Fantasy versus Truth and the Real Strength of Your Imagination;
- Lesson 3: Needs and Wants;
- Lesson 4: Creating and Destroying: Being Senior to What We Create
Segment 5: Identifying Energy Cords (Agreements)
- Lesson 1: (More on) Creating & Destroying;
- Lesson 2: Running Your Psychic Energy;
- Lesson 3: Energy Cords and Agreements;
- Lesson 4: Breaking Agreements/Removing Energy Cords
Segment 6: The Power of Agreements and freedom through The Wish Fulfilling Mandala
- Lesson 1: Cording in Chakras 4 through 7
- Lesson 2: Freedom through UNCORDING
- Lesson 3: The Wish Fulfilling Mandala
- Lesson 4: Setting Intentions
Segment 7: Creative Consciousness & Living the Zero Point Agreement
- Lesson 1: Conscious Us of Your Energy: Truth and Lies
- Lesson 2: Claiming Your Sacred Timing
- Lesson 3: What can we Have?: The Beauty of Receiving
- Lesson 4: The Zero Point Agreement: Living life from your side
Segment 8: Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence
- Lesson 1: Havingness Levels: What Can We Have?
- Lesson 2: Consciously Creating with Mock-Ups
- Lesson 3: Reviewing Intentions
- Lesson 4: The Game of Love and Conscious Love
Each lesson will cover certain emotions in depth through video and PDF.
Segment 9: Further Becoming the Cause
- Lesson 1: Further Defining Difficult Emotions & Getting Triggered
- Lesson 2: Seduction
- Lesson 3: Healthy Emotional States and The Beauty of Sadness: Hope, Hopelessness and Courage;
- Lesson 4: Security and Insecurity
Segment 10: Strengthening Your Agency
- Lesson 1: Forgiveness and Happiness
- Lesson 2: Emotions and Neutrality (Practicing Neutrality)
- Lesson 3: Reading & Understanding Other’s Energy Body
- Lesson 4: The Steps of using your gift and Offering Intuitive Readings
Segment 11: Removing Blocks and Walls: Further Becoming
- Lesson1: Screens and Shield (How energy/thought becomes embodied); Removing screens and Shields
- Lesson 2: Proper Giving & Receiving
- Lesson 3: Valances (an expression of the false self)
- Lesson 4: Removing Valances
Segment 12: Integration: Practice & Ethics
- Lesson 1: Clearing Out Technique
- Lesson 2: Reminders for the road
- Lesson 3 & 4: A video presentation on how to integrate; teaching these classes yourself or using your gift in therapy or psychic readings.
A PDF on the Ethics involved in passing these teachings on or using them in work with others.
All segments in the BE THE CAUSE OF YOUR LIFE Series are taken from a year-long course I took in the early 1990’s, subsequently updated, and then went on to teach for a couple decades.
Why this Course is different from anything you will see...
I teach with an open hand rather than a closed fist. You are free to use these lessons in whatever way you choose. You may use them simply to improve the quality of your life; or, you may use them to teach your own class or write your own book.
You may use them to develop your psychic gift, or to live more freely in a highly sensitive body. I invite you to take what you want from these lessons and pass it on. The purpose is to empower as many people as possible, not to act as if this material is "mine." |
In each teaching I will give "my take" on certain dynamics and approaches. For example, the first segment has "my take on visualization exercises." The quintessential intention for all my work is to empower others and to challenge any language, practices or methods that disempower us. So to be the cause of our life and not the effect means: there is nothing to cling to as mine and that we all sit in a seat of personal authority.
There will be recommended readings, some from my books, some from other authors. I recommend you purchase, The Zero Point Agreement, as I will refer to some practices in this book. But it’s not necessary to have this or any other material other than the lessons offered here. Also, I recommend you give yourself time to focus on this material, meaning, setting time aside to read and practice this material, as well as not commit to other similar programs (at the same time). Such focus and attention brings rewards.
There is a total of 12 segments with 4 (weekly) lessons in each segment. Starting anytime. You will sign up for each (or any segment) independently and I will send you the material and lessons via email.
If you are homeless (with access to computer), or are not able to afford this series, contact me. I will offer it to you for free.
There will be recommended readings, some from my books, some from other authors. I recommend you purchase, The Zero Point Agreement, as I will refer to some practices in this book. But it’s not necessary to have this or any other material other than the lessons offered here. Also, I recommend you give yourself time to focus on this material, meaning, setting time aside to read and practice this material, as well as not commit to other similar programs (at the same time). Such focus and attention brings rewards.
There is a total of 12 segments with 4 (weekly) lessons in each segment. Starting anytime. You will sign up for each (or any segment) independently and I will send you the material and lessons via email.
If you are homeless (with access to computer), or are not able to afford this series, contact me. I will offer it to you for free.
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©2024 Julie Tallard Johnson, MSW, LCSW
Mentor, therapist, citizen
Transformational & Embodied Counselor & Mentor
Most rights reserved. Admin
Mentor, therapist, citizen
Transformational & Embodied Counselor & Mentor
Most rights reserved. Admin